

Mission Statement

Elements Roof Management Consulting was established in 2022 when it was partitioned from the operations of Wade Engineering. Mr. Al King, P.Eng, founded Wade Engineering in 1986, and started developing the RAMP program in 1993. In 2024, Mr. King retired and passed on the operation of the RAMP program to Dalwing Roof Consulting Ltd. (www.dalwing.com)

Elements Roof Management’s Roof Area Management Program (RAMP) specifies annual roof maintenance programs to help building owners to proactively maintain their roofing assets. This reduces the likelihood of roof trouble, and can extend at roof’s service life. The RAMP program helps to maximize the owner's value received from both the consultant and the roofing product.  We are committed to ensuring that our clients receive great service from our well-qualified, highly experienced and dedicated team.



  • Alberta Roofing Contractors Association (ARCA)

  • International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC)